Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. Romans 12: 10-11

our mission

Relentless First Impression's goal is to promote an atmosphere of welcome for everyone who arrives on our campus. To demonstrate the love, joy & peace of Jesus Christ and operate in excellence while serving the needs of our congregation and guest during our Worship Service and events.

First Impressions are lasting impressions.  

Serving Opportunites

The Relentless First Impression Ministry is made up of small teams, each team focusing on one particular area of "the first impressions" experience, which includes: 

Greeters Team

Greeters provide a warm reception to all guests upon entrance to
Love Story Church worship services and special events.

Connect Team

Volunteers who greet 1st time guests in the parking lot and personally
assist visitors with navigating through the church. They ensure that
1st time guests are handled with care, assisted with childcare check
in and help with securing seating.

Usher Team

The primary function of an usher is to make those who enter the sanctuary feel welcomed and valued. Ushers help to maintain order in the sanctuary and assist guests with seating and collection of the offering.

Engage Team

Our Engage Team welcome visitors in addition to manning our information booths. They also follow up with first time guests by sending
a handwritten note thanking them for
visiting with us.

Transportation Team

Our Transport Team with transporting guests from parking areas to the sanctuary. Emphasis is placed on the elderly, physically handicap, and families with small children.

serve with first