2024 Fasting Guide

What is Fasting...

Remember fasting is not about the food you do or do not consume, but the condition of your heart. Fasting is our participation point. We are giving up the things that we LIKE we will sacrifice so that we can become sensitive. We will suppress our physical appetite so that our spiritual appetite can take the lead. Understanding that while you are not eating, God is seasoning you with His likeness. If you have been following along with us for the past year we focused on Understanding Identity, who we came from, who we have been, and who we are. As we have said before, when you know who you are and who belong to, your perspective on everything changes. How you act, what you believe, and what you believe that you can do are all influenced by your identity.  

We have intentionally set aside the next three weeks to seek God and allow Him the space as we lay aside every weight, hindrance, blockage, fear, and sin that would try to keep us from accomplishing what God has set for us to do that He would remove it and equip us with boldness, confidence, endurance and every other tool that is essential for taking hold of all that 2024 has for us.  

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6  

Fasting releases, the Holy Spirit, the favor, and the gifts of God into the lives of Believers. Fasting brings us into a deeper more intimate relationship with God. Everyone's fast will look different—some may fast for a set time (6 AM to 6 PM), from certain types of food (sweets, bread, etc.), programming, social media, or activities. No matter what or how you choose to fast, fasting is more than just abstinence. It is about spending time pursuing God in the place of the things you choose to refrain from.  

The Daniel Fast

The Daniel fast is a partial fast. According to Daniel 10:3. This means that you can consume food but not all types. The focus of a fast is always for there to be a level of sacrifice for the things that we enjoy, to seek God, and to block out all distractions. (What does this look like?)

Food to Eat

Whole Grains

Amaranth, barley, brown rice, buckwheat, bulgur, freekeh, millet, oats, purple rice, quinoa, rye, sorghum, spelt, teff, whole grain pasta, whole wheat,
and wild rice.

Beans and legumes

Black beans, black-eyed peas, cannellini beans, garbanzo beans (chickpeas), great northern beans, kidney beans, lentils, peanuts, pinto beans, and split peas.

Whole Grains

Amaranth, barley, brown rice, buckwheat, bulgur, freekeh, millet, oats, purple rice, quinoa, rye, sorghum, spelt, teff, whole grain pasta, whole wheat,
and wild rice.

Nuts and seeds

Almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, nut butters, peanuts (actually legumes but people think of them as nuts), pecans, pepitas (pumpkin seeds), pine nuts, pistachios, poppy seeds, walnuts, sesame seeds, soy nuts, sunflower seeds.


All vegetables are allowed (fresh, frozen, dried, juiced, and canned).


All fruit is allowed (fresh, frozen, dried, juiced, and canned). However, any dried fruit shouldn't contain added sugar (check ingredients to be sure).


Oils (such as coconut, olive, and sesame, for example) are allowed but should be used minimally. For example, you can sauté foods in olive oil but avoid deep-frying them.


Unleavened bread (whole grain bread made without yeast, sugars, or preservatives. All herbs, spices, and seasonings are allowed, including salt and pepper.


Water should be the main beverage on your Daniel Fast. Distilled, filtered, sparkling, spring, and mineral water are allowed as well. However, you may have 100% fruit juice on occasion (just don't overdo it).


Animal products

Meat (bacon, beef, bison, chicken, lamb, pork, and turkey), dairy, (butter, cheese, cream, milk, and yogurt), fish/seafood, eggs.

Added sugar

Agave nectar, artificial sweeteners, brown rice syrup, brown sugar, cane juice, corn syrup, honey, malt syrup, molasses, and raw sugar.


Yeast (and, therefore, leavened bread) isn't part of the Daniel Fast.

Refined grains

White flour and white rice. Only whole grains are allowed on the Daniel Fast. A whole grain product contains the entire grain kernel ― the bran, germ, and endosperm.

Processed food

Foods that contain artificial flavorings, chemicals, food additives, and preservatives.

Deep-fried food

Examples are corn chips, French fries, and potato chips. (Baked chips are acceptable if they don't contain restricted ingredients. Check the label for "baked" to be sure.)

Solid fats

Butter, lard, margarine, and shortening.


Milk chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, dark chocolate, chocolate syrup, and cacao.

Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages

Alcohol, coffee, caffeinated tea, and energy drinks

What is Prayer?

Begin in prayer with ADORATION (worship, deep love, and respect) for God, calling out His many names and praising Him for who He has been in your life.  

Second, CONFESSION any sins (actions, thoughts, or attitudes that may be creating internal distance from God). Confession is about acknowledging your mistakes and it's one of the most freeing experiences we get to participate in this side of heaven.  

Third, come before his presence with THANKSGIVING. This is a moment to practice ‘intentional gratitude”—finding something in your life to thank God for!  

Fourth is SUPPLICATION. It’s asking God to meet your needs (and the needs of others). Finally, spend time in worship with God, listen, and enjoy His presence.  

What do we plan to accomplish at the end of the fast?

What are our areas of focus?

We are asking the Lord to direct everything in our lives to His will. We are praying that anything that hinders us from completing the assignment that He has given us and purposed for us to do be shown to us, uprooted from us, and replaced with more power, peace, love, focus, and anything else He deems worthy to be in its place.

Fasting is about removing distractions from your life so you can clear your mind and allow your spirit and soul to connect with God. We want to continuously be in prayer, whether in your car, on your job, or in the grocery store it doesn't have to be loud or long, but we must stay plugged into the source of power by prayer throughout this time of fasting. Come on a journey with us. Welcome to the Twenty-Twenty Force Fast! Grab your prayer journal, Bible, and pen, and let’s get started.