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Join Us for Sunday Service: In-Person at 10 AM EST or Virtually at 10 AM, 3 PM, 7 PM, & 10 PM!

Special Announcement

Fall back and gather in His presence this weekend! Join us for Sunday service as we adjust our
clocks and set our hearts on worship.


We exist to lead people to Jesus by accepting where they are in their story, allowing the Holy Spirit to do the work in them to align their lives with purpose and introducing them to a God who is the author of it all.


To behave with GRACE, build COMMUNITY,
beautiful CREATIVITY, & unconditional LOVE

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our vision

We envision a vibrant caring community that draws and energizes people to grow in faith, serve together, and making every breath count. We will see people come from impossible situations into a life-giving family where grace is extended, hope is found, and LOVE ABOUNDS!


As an in-demand speaker, John has traveled the world, sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom in his unique and uncompromising way. John currently serves as Lead Pastor at Love Story Church in Greenville, South Carolina. Alongside John, Aventer serves as Co-Pastor, while empowering women across the world to reign with purpose, power, and passion.

John and Aventer are quick to acknowledge that although they are grateful for the places God has taken them and the ministries that have opened for them, nothing compares to the joy of their lives, their son John W. Gray IV, and their daughter, Theory Aspyn-Sky Gray.